M.Sc. Diego Felipe Vallejo Hincapie │ Calcareous nannoplankton

I am a Geologist graduated from the Universidad de Caldas (Colombia) and a PhD geology student at the Universidad de Salamanca (Spain). My main interest is to understand the age and the paleoceanographic setting of marine deposits sedimented in the Caribbean Plate. My research project is dedicated to create a biochronologic framework for marine rocks from the Late Cretaceous to the Pliocene in Pacific and Caribbean basins of Colombia in order to understand the relationship between tectonics and the stratigraphic record. I am the leader of the calcareous nanoplankton group at the Instituto de Investigaciones en Estratigrafía (IIES) of the Universidad de Caldas and I belong to the research group of Investigación en Estratigrafía y Vulcanología (GIEV) Cumanday. Currently, I am a visiting student at Rutgers University and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI).


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Universidad de Caldas sede principal

Instituto de investigaciones en Estratigrafía – IIES:-Edificio Orlando Sierra, Bloque B, 2do piso

Horario de atención: lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 6:00 pm

Teléfono: (+576) 8781500 Ext. 12643 /

E-mail : iies@ucaldas.edu.co
Universidad de Caldas: Calle 65 Nº 26 – 10 

Tel (+576) 8781500 Fax (+576) 8781501

Apartado aéreo 275 / Manizales – Colombia

Línea gratuita : 01-8000-512120  /  e-mail: ucaldas@ucaldas.edu.co – Sitio web: www.ucaldas.edu.co – iies.edu.co/sem