Esteban Osorio Gómez │ Calcareous Nanofossils

I am Geologist from the Universidad de Caldas (Colombia), and currently student of the Master in Earth Sciences right there. My main interests are Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy.

My research project basically consists of studying coccolithophores/calcareous nanofossils in recent sediments of the Caribbean Sea, and, through them, knowing which at the oceanographic configuration was like, and identifying the orbital climatic changes in that zone. Currently, I am part of the group of calcareous nanofossils, and I am also an associate researcher in the Grupo de Investigación en Estratigrafía y Vulcanología (GIEV) Cumanday (A1) adscrito a Colciencias/Minciencia.

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Instituto de investigaciones en Estratigrafía – IIES:-Edificio Orlando Sierra, Bloque B, 2do piso

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