M.Sc. Nelson Fabián Gallego Bañol │ Sedimentology

Geologist graduated from the University of Caldas (Manizales-Colombia), with a master’s degree in Earth Sciences from the University of Caldas. During five years he carried out coal and gas exploration work, cartography, core description and geological modeling of sedimentary deposits in the Cesar-Ranchería Basins, Lower Magdalena Valley, Middle Magdalena Valley and Eastern Cordillera. During the last seven years I have focused on the study of the sedimentary basins of the Caribbean and Western Colombia. I study the Basin-Orogen relationship in Western Colombia, especially to evaluate the allochthony of the San Juan Basin associated with the Panama Chocó Block using tools of conventional provenance and detrital zircon dating. I am currently part of the Research Group on Stratigraphy-IIES at the University of Caldas where I study sedimentary processes, stratigraphy and provenance during Cenozoic in the Colombian Caribbean basins.

I have been a teacher in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Caldas, mainly in the subjects of sedimentology and Coal Geology.


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Universidad de Caldas sede principal

Instituto de investigaciones en Estratigrafía – IIES:-Edificio Orlando Sierra, Bloque B, 2do piso

Horario de atención: lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 6:00 pm

Teléfono: (+576) 8781500 Ext. 12643 /

E-mail : iies@ucaldas.edu.co
Universidad de Caldas: Calle 65 Nº 26 – 10 

Tel (+576) 8781500 Fax (+576) 8781501

Apartado aéreo 275 / Manizales – Colombia

Línea gratuita : 01-8000-512120  /  e-mail: ucaldas@ucaldas.edu.co – Sitio web: www.ucaldas.edu.co – iies.edu.co/sem