Ph.D. Carlos Alberto Guzmán López │ Petrology

I am Geologist Engineer from the National University of Colombia, Medellín Campus and graduated from the Master’s Degree in Coal Science and Technology from the same institution. I did my PhD studies in Geology at the Bucharest University (Romania).

I have focused mainly on Facies Analysis and the petrological study of sedimentary rocks, with special emphasis on diagenesis and its relationships with reservoir quality.

Additionally, I have carried out Organic Petrology studies in order to establish hydrocarbon source rocks.

I work as a professor at the Caldas University (Colombia) directing the courses on Sedimentology, Coal Geology and Sedimentary Basin Analysis. I am member of the Cumanday Stratigraphy and Volcanology Research Group and have been linked to several projects carried out by the Stratigraphy Research Institute (IIES), also from the Caldas University, coordinating the Petrology area and advising on the interpretation of paleoenvironments.

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Instituto de investigaciones en Estratigrafía – IIES:-Edificio Orlando Sierra, Bloque B, 2do piso

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