Ph.D. Andrés Pardo Trujillo │ Palynology & Stratigraphy
I am a geologist graduated from the Department of Geological Sciences of the University of

Ph.D. Hugo Fernando Murcia │ Volcanology
I am Geologist from the Universidad de Caldas (Colombia), MSc in Earth Sciences from the

Ph.D. Angelo Plata Torres │ Palynology & Marine Diatoms
I am a biologist graduated from the Universidad Industrial de Santander in Bucaramanga, Colombia (2007),

M.Sc. Diego Felipe Vallejo Hincapie │ Calcareous nannoplankton
I am a Geologist graduated from the Universidad de Caldas (Colombia) and a PhD geology

M.Sc. Raúl Andrés Trejos Tamayo │ Foraminifera
I am Geologist from the Universidad de Caldas (Colombia), MSc in Earth Sciences from the

Es.p. Valentina Vargas Gonzalez │ Environmental Consulting
I am Geologist from the Universidad de Caldas (Colombia), Specialist in Environmental Consulting from the

M.Sc. Nelson Fabián Gallego Bañol │ Sedimentology
Geologist graduated from the University of Caldas (Manizales-Colombia), with a master’s degree in Earth Sciences
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Our alliances
Site Map
- Who we are
- Ostracoda
- Organizational chart
- Aurora
- Basin Analysis
- Laboratory
- Calcareous nannoplankton
- Foraminifera
- Palynology and Organic Matter
- Volcanology & Petrology
- Phd students
- MSc students
- External support
- iies
- Administrative staff
- Grupo de Investigación en Estratigrafía y Vulcanología (GIEV) Cumanday
- Scientific comittee
Universidad de Caldas: Sede Principal Calle 65 Nº 26 - 10
(+576) 8781500 Ext. 12643
(+576) 8781500 Fax (+576) 8781501
Teléfono: (+576) 8781500 Ext. 12643 /
E-mail :
Universidad de Caldas: Calle 65 Nº 26 – 10
Tel (+576) 8781500 Fax (+576) 8781501
Apartado aéreo 275 / Manizales – Colombia
Línea gratuita : 01-8000-512120 / e-mail: – Sitio web: –