M.Sc. Valentina Vargas González │ Environmental

I am Geologist from the Universidad de Caldas (Colombia), Specialist in Environmental Consulting from the Universidad de León (Spain), MSc in Direction and Management of Human Resources from the Universidad de Barcelona (Spain), and Master of Earth Sciences from the Universidad de Caldas (Colombia). My main interests are environmental geology and sedimentary rock provenance analysis, although I also collaborate in other areas such as the direction and management of projects. My research project involves the provenance of the Middle-Late Miocene in the ANH-Los Pájaros-1X well (San Jacinto Folded Belt) and its paleogeographic implications for the Colombian Caribbean. Currently, I am the administrative coordinator of this institute and belong to the Scientific Committee.


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Universidad de Caldas sede principal

Instituto de investigaciones en Estratigrafía – IIES:-Edificio Orlando Sierra, Bloque B, 2do piso

Horario de atención: lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 6:00 pm

Teléfono: (+576) 8781500 Ext. 12643 /

E-mail : iies@ucaldas.edu.co
Universidad de Caldas: Calle 65 Nº 26 – 10 

Tel (+576) 8781500 Fax (+576) 8781501

Apartado aéreo 275 / Manizales – Colombia

Línea gratuita : 01-8000-512120  /  e-mail: ucaldas@ucaldas.edu.co – Sitio web: www.ucaldas.edu.co – iies.edu.co/sem