I am a Geologist from the University of Caldas (Colombia). My interest in geosciences has been in the study of Calcareous Microfossils, especially in the Ostrácoda and Coccolithophore groups. Participating in projects of biostratigraphy of some Colombian Caribbean basins. I am currently developing communication and divulgation projects of earth sciences with the Aurora science communication group, promoting geo-education as an axis of social transformation for environmental conservation and climate change prevention.
Juan Daniel Quiroz Silva │ Micropaleontology
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E-mail : iies@ucaldas.edu.co
Universidad de Caldas: Calle 65 Nº 26 – 10
Tel (+576) 8781500 Fax (+576) 8781501
Apartado aéreo 275 / Manizales – Colombia
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