Morphological analysis of Serpocaulon (Polypodiaceae) spores from the Colombian Central Cordillera │ 2013 Leer más artículos Entrada anteriorDepósitos volcaniclásticos: Términos y conceptos para una clasificación en español │ 2013 Siguiente entradaAraceae in a High Andean Forest of the Colombian Occidental Cordillera (Natural National Park Tatamá) │ 2013 También podría gustarte Effusive and evolved monogenetic volcanoes: two newly identified (~800 ka) cases near Manizales City, Colombia │ 2023 4 July, 2023 Overview and plumbing system implications of monogenetic volcanism in the northernmost Andes’ volcanic province │ 2018 20 February, 2020 Geochemistry of the Santa Fé Batholith and Buriticá Tonalite in NW Colombia e Evidence of subduction initiation beneath the Colombian Caribbean Plateau │ 2015 20 February, 2020
Effusive and evolved monogenetic volcanoes: two newly identified (~800 ka) cases near Manizales City, Colombia │ 2023 4 July, 2023
Overview and plumbing system implications of monogenetic volcanism in the northernmost Andes’ volcanic province │ 2018 20 February, 2020
Geochemistry of the Santa Fé Batholith and Buriticá Tonalite in NW Colombia e Evidence of subduction initiation beneath the Colombian Caribbean Plateau │ 2015 20 February, 2020