Andesitic (SiO2: ~60 wt%) monogenetic volcanism in the northern Colombian Andes: Crystallisation history of three Quaternary volcanoes │ 2021 Leer más artículos Entrada anteriorClimate and geological change as drivers of Mauritiinae palm biogeography │ 2021 Siguiente entradaMid to late holocene dry events in Colombia’s super humid Western Cordillera reveal changes in regional atmospheric circulation │ 2021 También podría gustarte Aráceas de un bosque Premontano en la Cordillera Central de Colombia* │ 2014 20 February, 2020 El Escondido tuff cone (38 ka): a hidden history of monogenetic eruptions in the northernmost volcanic chain in the Colombian Andes │ 2019 21 February, 2020 Effusive and evolved monogenetic volcanoes: two newly identified (~800 ka) cases near Manizales City, Colombia │ 2023 4 July, 2023
El Escondido tuff cone (38 ka): a hidden history of monogenetic eruptions in the northernmost volcanic chain in the Colombian Andes │ 2019 21 February, 2020
Effusive and evolved monogenetic volcanoes: two newly identified (~800 ka) cases near Manizales City, Colombia │ 2023 4 July, 2023