Comment on “Emplazamiento del magmatismo Paleoceno-Eoceno bajo un régimen transtensional y su evolución a un equilibrio dinámico en el borde occidental de Colombia │ 2021 Leer más artículos Entrada anteriorMiddle Miocene dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and changes in marine productivity in western Colombia │ 2021 Siguiente entradaLate Neogene chronostratigraphy and integrated paleoecological trends in the southwestern Caribbean Sea │ 2022 También podría gustarte Provenance of Eocene–Oligocene sediments in the San Jacinto Fold Belt: Paleogeographic and geodynamic implications for the northern Andes and the southern Caribbean │ 2019 21 February, 2020 Tectonostratigraphy of the Cenozoic Tumaco forearc basin (Colombian Pacific) and its relationship with the northern Andes orogenic build up │ 2012 20 February, 2020 Geochemistry of the Santa Fé Batholith and Buriticá Tonalite in NW Colombia e Evidence of subduction initiation beneath the Colombian Caribbean Plateau │ 2015 20 February, 2020
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Tectonostratigraphy of the Cenozoic Tumaco forearc basin (Colombian Pacific) and its relationship with the northern Andes orogenic build up │ 2012 20 February, 2020
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